Waiter! There is something in my roasted rib

Norwegians love their pork specially the people of the Trøndelag region, where we live. This region is the traditional pig farming region of Norway. Roasted rib is one of the traditional dishes of Norwegian Christmas but it is also a must on Sundays all year round. When I saw the November theme of the event Waiter! There is Something in My.... I immediately wanted to make my roasted pork ribs with potatoes and shallots for a perfect Norwegian Sunday lunch. I used a small piece of rib since we were only three at home today and I don't like left overs of pork ribs.

Roasted Pork Rib
1 kg of pork rib
8 shallots
5 garlic gloves
8 potatoes
180 ml white wine
120 ml orange juice
sal and pepper
Cut the skin of the rib in both directions with deep cuts making small square cuts to open access to the meat. Make a marinate with wine, garlic, shallots, salt and pepper and put the rib in the marinate turning the meat around so the marinate can penetrate the whole piece. Let the rib stay in the marinate covered inside the refrigerator for at least two hours. Heat oven at 200C/350F and transfer the rib to the oven when it is very hot. Let is roast for about half an hour or until the wine and the marinate is almost dried, then add the orange juice on top of the skin and let it roast for another 15 to 20 minutes and add 1/4 cup of water. Keep adding liquids if the pan starts to dry but not more than 1/4 cup at a time. The meat will be ready in one hour or one and a hal hour and it all depends on how done and how roasted you like the skin to be.
While the rib is being roasted you can half cook the potatoes in boiling and add them to the roast and let them finish cooking with the meat, in the meat juices, for at least half an hour before the rib is ready to be served. You can make a graving with the juices on the pan or serve the meat with previously prepared tyttebaer sauce.
thanks for your contribution to WTSIM!